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SalesGrowth MD, Inc. | Denver/ Englewood, CO


Many will recognize the famous saying of Mad Magazine’s iconic front man Alfred E. Neuman as “What, me worry?” (Yes, he is still around)

Wouldn’t it be great if sales professionals could sell worry free? I don’t know of many other professions where your job performance review is posted (almost literally) every day for the entire company to see. Welcome to the world of professional selling.

Selling is a profession that is routinely high pressure by nature and good salespeople are usually highly compensated as a result. It is not a job for the faint of heart or those with thin skin. That being said, a common trait that most successful sellers share with Alfred E. Neuman is that they don’t worry.

The best sales people have figured out that if they take the pressure off themselves they can also take the pressure off their prospects. If they don’t sell like a typical salesperson they won’t be treated like a typical salesperson and…surprise, better results come along for the ride!

This mindset is easy to say but difficult to do. It requires the ability to separate your own self-image from the slings and arrows of professional sales and realize it is just a job. Some people say yes and more people will always say no. The trick is to adopt the mindset that it is ABSOLUTELY NOT personal and the no is simply an acceptable business outcome on your way to success.

At Sandler Training we have a saying that gets to the heart of the matter, “Go for the no!” Take the pressure off yourself and the prospect and amazing things will happen. For openers, selling becomes a heck of a lot more fun!

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